Thank you so much for showing interest in having me mix or master your song! Im super excited to hear it. In order to make sure we have a seamless transition from you sending the files to me getting you a mix there are a few steps that should be taken.
1. Bounce me your "mix" of the song the best you can so I am able to hear the track before I begin mixing so I can have an idea of the vibe you are going for and get a rough idea for how you would like things balanced volume wise. This does not have to be good at all! It can literally be raw, I just want to hear the song and current vision as quickly as I can before I mix it and have something to reference with a rough idea of how loud or quiet you want certain elements. However the more details you can add to your reference mix the easier it'll be for me to capture your vision.
2. Export files from your DAW as .WAV files. MP3's or other formats will not be accepted. if you have any questions on this process please let me know.
3. Make sure that ALL of your files are exported as MONO files UNLESS it was recorded or produced as a stereo file to begin with. For example, a vocal track recorded into the daw will almost always be a mono track. Same goes with guitars, bass, all drum mics, and anything that was recorded with one input going into the interface. Some files that will be stereo would include midi instrument in your daw, or a source that was recorded stereo (Used 2 inputs at the exact same time on the same instrument) Like an electric keyboard where you used the left and right out and recorded at the same time. Please let me know if you have any questions on these. Below is a picture of how to tell-

4. Please consolidate your tracks. In almost all cases it is not necessary to send 50 vocal tracks. Put all of the main vocals (Whether its a chorus, verse or bridge) on the same track and simply label it "Lead Vocal." This same principle should be applied to all tracks Including Backing vocals, Harmonies, and even guitar tracks. The more you can consolidate the easier and cleaner the session will be and the sooner I can get to mixing your song.
5. Please please please if you have them send me Guitar and Bass DI's (Direct In, this means the RAW guitar sound with no amplifier or fx) This will make life and your mix easier and potentially sound twice as good since Ill be able to make edits as needed, give you the option to re amp if your guitar and bass tones are not too great and give you a massive pro guitar and bass sound. (Re amps are $100 extra but either way its a good idea to have them as a back up incase that option is needed.)
6. Please do not send me a single audio filed labeled "TOMS" I need an individual track for each individual tom. Same goes for cymbals and room mics if you have them.
7. All tracks must be labeled correctly and be well organized. A bad example would be this "Another Day_Drums_Snare Top". Instead it should be Labeled "Snare Top". You are also good to abbreviate. For example You could label your vocal tracks as such: Vox Main, Vox Dub 1, Vox Dub 2, Vox Harm1, Vox Harm 2, Vox Harm 3, Vox Harm 4. Same with Guitars, Gtr 1 R, Gtr 1 L, Gtr 2 R, Gtr 2 L, Gtr Lead, Ect. Let me know if you have any questions on labeling. Honestly though just use common sense and we will be good! Below is an example of what good organized files will look like-

8. After you have exported the files please re-import them back into a brand new session in your DAW to ensure everything came out correctly and lines up as it should. If you do not do this and there are mistakes on your end it will delay the process and extra charges may incur.
9. Please note that all tracks must be sent at once. If you realize you forgot to send certain files, want to redo something, or add more tracks there will be a charge for this as it is very time consuming to remix a track and get new tracks to blend. There will be a charge of $25 per new set of tracks added baseline and up to $100 depending on the complexity of what you are adding or changing out.
10. Once everything looks clear please send me your files via Dropbox,, or Google Drive to . If you choose google drive please make sure you send the link so that "Anyone with link can access." Also be sure to include the time signature, key of the song if you know it, and BPM of the song in the title of the folder. Please name your final folder as such: "Another Day by Acacia Ridge 138bpm 4/4 D#min"
11. Please note that if you do not follow instructions and send me incorrect tracks (ie the vocals still have reverb on them, mono tracks were exported as stereo, files mislabeled, forgotten tracks) There will be an additional $35 charge to the final mix due to the time consuming nature of prepping a session and having it be incorrect and restarting. Please follow all instructions and ask me questions if something is not clear to avoid this. Thanks!
Other steps if applicable
12. Reamping: If you would like me to re amp your guitars ($100 per song) through real state of the art tube amplifiers to create an incredible pro guitar sound I will need DI's as well as your amped tracks for a reference of what you are going for. You would label them as such "Gtr 1 R DI, Gtr 1 R Amp, Gtr 1 L DI, Gtr 1 L Amp. And so on and so forth for all your tracks.
13. Midi Drums: If you would like me to use midi drums and create my own drum sounds for you in the mix it will be an extra $35 due to the time consuming nature of re programming your notes to work with my software and drum instrument. I will need you export me each individual piece of the kit as a mono audio file. This will allow me to ensure everything lines up perfectly.
Please send your midi file along with the midi map. This can be found in the plugin and I will attach an image below of what to send. You can also just write me an document telling me which drum correlates with which note.
If you would like me to use the drum sound you created there will be no additional charge.
Just send me the Kick, Snare, Tom 1, 2, & 3, Hi Hats, Ride, Crash cymbals, Chinas, and any other cymbals as separate mono files. The Room exports should be send as stereo files. Then export 1 copy of the entire kit as a stereo file as well which can be labeled "Drum Kit".
If you are using a program like SSD, GGD, SD, or any other awesome 3rd party drum program and it has the option to send room or over head tracks, please send those as well.

14. Tempo Changes: If your song has tempo changes please export me a midi tempo map. This can easily be done by searching on youtube "How to export midi tempo map in (Type your DAW here)"
15. "Fine Print" of the deposit just incase you missed it 🙂
The deposit is required to be placed on the schedule for mixing and mastering. This schedule is created on a first come first serve basis after deposit is paid and tracks have been sent. The first mix can be expected 2-4 weeks after scheduling. The $200 deposit will be applied to the $375 final mix cost after all revisions are done. Mixing and mastering deposits are non refundable. Also note that each mix includes 2 total revisions so all in all you will receive 3 total mixes if changes are wanted. 99% of clients have the mix to satisfaction within 2 revisions. However, if more revisions are needed past mix 3 there will be an additional $25 per revision due to the time consuming nature of these changes. Thanks so much and I'm so excited to hear your songs!