Mix notes are the way to get your song sounding exactly as you would like. It is important that we have good and accurate communication to help the process go quick and smooth.
Please try to get me notes back within 2-3 days of the time the first mix was sent. I will get you mix revisions back within 24 hours of your email so this means the mix will be finished within 7 days of mix one assuming you only have 2 sets of revisions. Mix revisions should be sent vie email only at aggressiveaudiorecording@gmail.com .
Ideally mix notes should be in chronological order. Adding time stamps where certain things need to be changed will make the process super easy and accurate. It is also okay to put general notes at the very beginning: For example "Turn up Snare drum throughout the whole song +2db" and then continue with chronological notes.
One last term to be aware of that will help with making changes exactly how you want them is the term DB which stands for decibels (or loudness).
Lets say you want a track just a tiny tiny bit louder This would be referred to as 1DB.
A track only slightly louder would be referred to as 2DB.
A medium bit louder without going overboard would be 3-4Db and more than that would be about 5-7DB.
Using DB's as a key for how much louder or quieter you want a certain section or part to be will help you get the song to sound exactly as you want.
Below is an example of how to format a good set of mix notes-
Tampered Reality Mix Notes:
Mix sounds great thanks so much! Just a few changes:
Bring the kick down by 2db and the snare down by 1db throughout the entire song.
Also little more reverb on all vocals
(0:50-0:55)Toms need to come up on the fill before each chorus. and (1:45-1:50) (1:10-1:30) Guitar Harmony's should be equal volume (1:30-1:46) Vocal Harmonies should come up by about 3db on that verse, especially the lines “I’m trapped inside a cage”. (2:04-2:33) Guitar Harmonies should come up 1db - (2:17-2:23) make the distorted guitar fade out faster.
(2:20-2:42) Blues solo should come up in volume 3db (2:35-46) Fade drums back in and keep them quieter. (2:41) Bass needs to come up about 2-3db
(2:41-3:03) - Turn up the clean guitar part so that it stands out the most. (3:03) Fade out clean guitars a little quicker
(3:03-3:21) Turn drums down about 2db during the solo (3:34-3:56) both guitar leads and harmonies should be equal volume to one another and should be panned left and right (3:56) guitar leads and harmonies both go back to original panning.
Thats all thank you so much!!!
Mix notes can be as detailed as above or as simple as this-
Everything sounds great! Only change we have is to turn up the vocal harmonies on the chorus from 1:15-1:40 and 2:40-3:05 and turn up the bass by about 1-2db on the whole song.
Afterwards I'll send you the revision with your notes and if there are still changes we will keep repeating the process till you are happy. Generally after 2 sets of mix notes the song is done and as soon as you send remaining payment I'll send you the final Wav. files for the song. If more revisions are needed past mix 3 it is $20 per revision.
As always if you have any questions please let me know!
Hey flip. I agree with zakk. I like that you brought out the guitar solo more. Wondering if it is possible to get a little more of the low end frequencies to come out? Of course it always sounds different on different sound systems, but I think I’d like to be able to feel the kick and the bass a little more, but without drowning out the rest of the tones. Let me know if this is even possible. You rock Flip!
Hello my friend.
The only change I’m feeling is the guitar solo could be more forward in the mix. Maybe a bit drier as well? I’d just say treat it like the vocal.
Perfect mix other than that.
Thank you,