1. You must know how to record to a click track! Being able to play along with a metronome is absolutely paramount to producing a tight sounding recording. I advise that you spend hours practicing your parts to a metronome only before coming into the studio and have your parts down so well that you can play them start to finish completely memorized and in time with a metronome only.
2. Know your song information. It will help with the editing and set up process if you know what key your song is in (for eventual vocal tuning) and your tempo/BPM (Beats per Minute) as well as any tempo changes. It is also very important to note that recording usually takes longer than most anticipate. On average I would say most bands take around 10 hours per song to complete recording it. This can be less and can sometimes even be longer depending on the complexity of your song.
3. Not everyone needs to track their own parts just because it is what they play live. Setting ego aside is a very important part of recording an album. Sometimes the guitarist is better at a certain bass riff and sometimes the bass player is better at a certain drum part. At the end of the day what matters most is that the recording and band sounds flawless and tight.

4. For optimal sound guitarists and bassist should change their strings at least 0-1 days before recording. This will allow for strings to settle and stretch yet still have that crisp new sound. I recommend Elixir Nanoweb strings or Daddario NYXL's with whatever gage you prefer. If you do not know how to set up a guitar (Intonate, adjust the trust rod, pick up height, and action) then please set up an appointment to get your guitar set up by a professional to ensure proper intonation. (Having every note on the fretboard be in tune). If you are not able to find someone to do it for you I am happy to set up your guitar and or bass before we begin recording. You are also welcome to use any of our 14 pro level guitars. If you have a specific string type you like or need a lower gauge for low tunings please bring a pack of strings that will best suit you to slap on the guitar.
5. You do not need to bring any of your gear unless you have a very specific sound you would like to have recorded. For example a Tube amps, effect pedals, wahs, or other interesting noise or sound you would like to create. That being said I do have SEVERAL great Tube amps including a Fender Deluxe Reverb, EVH 5150 III, Friedman BE-100, Mesa Triple Crown, Marshall JCM900, PRS Archon, Peavey 6505+, Fractal Audio Axe FX, and lots of other options!
